• Publicado em 01/12/2024
  • Visto 74 vez (es) CEMOISCI
  • Referência : 288 -IBL- 191

Venda Publicado em 01/12/2024 para Eilat, Ganim beth Clique aqui para vê-lo no mapa

₪3.500.000 | $933.450 | €921.900 soit 27.778₪ le m²

Apartamento 5 cômodos , 126 m² EXCLUSIVO

Detalhes do imóvel

With terrace, calm, in a beautiful building, good site , good occasion , calm place , stage high with sight , high standing , near to the sea, sight on the sea, with not missing!, pleasant apartment, well arranged, roomy, beautiful apartment, good bargain, good orientations, in good condition, entirely piece of furniture, splendid, mini penthouse, quality project

5cômodos 126 : 1 : Norte,Sul,Leste,Oeste
Apartamento 5 cômodos  Eilat Ganim beth 288-IBL-191

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